Bioluminescence @ Wanderer Festival

Day 1 @wandererfestival for the @bioluminescence_project started with a hearty welcome from festival guru @ian_pidd and a site induction by Ops Manager Peta. The rain cleared up just in time for us to set up camp and have some lunch before grabbing the cameras and exploring the site’s biodiversity. We also collected a bunch of cool things to look at under the video microscope. After a feed of pizza we set up the projectors and learned about projector stacking followed by a quick mapping test.

Day 2 started with us working through the 30gb of footage we shot and editing it down for our content. We’ve ended up with hours of content so no two nights will be the same! After a group dinner it was on to setting up our Ops tent and doing a full performance rehearsal. We had special guest video artist Chris Korvin @yat_sek come and set up his analogue video feedback set up and we learned how it works.

Day 3 and the first performance @wandererfestival ! The crowds poured in and after our group dinner we switched on the machines and performed for a solid four hours! With eleven of us we rotated between operating, chatting with passers by and snacking on churros (the van was next door). People loved hearing that the videos were from the festival site and that we had built all this in only two days. Plenty of people looking at things under the video microscope.

Day 4, performance night two and we stepped it up a level with using the massive LED screen giving us two outputs for our technicolor bioluminescence creations! It was a busier night with lots of great conversations and even meeting the great @fruitflycircus team! We also has the fun of playing with Isaac’s Beyard- a wrist mounted projector with interactive projections!

Scott Baker2023