Local Film Premiere - Alexandra Seddon


Alexandra Seddon, Being Change Invitation  to the Opening Night of ‘Alexandra Seddon - Being Change’

Made by acclaimed local filmmaker Toni Houston, with music composed by Kate Burke and Pete Wild, the documentary tells the inspiring true life story of Alexandra Seddon, the philanthropist and conservationist who gave us wildlife sanctuary Potoroo Palace, the stunning community wetlands Panboola and the community farm, Cowsnest.

It would be fantastic if you and your guest could join us at this special red carpet fundraising evening which celebrates one of our region’s most inspiring women. Thanks to the support of the Merimbula Picture Showman Cinema, all money raised on the night from ticket sales will be donated to Potoroo Palace.

For Opening Night on 7th Nov 6:30pm, please book direct here: https://www.trybooking.com/Booking/BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=233355

The film will go on to screen at the cinema 10-13 & 15 NOV also.

We’d love to see you all at the opening. It would be fantastic if you could spread the word about the film opening, and screenings to your networks, colleagues and community.