Lennard's Island rock pool search


Happy new year from everyone on the Atlas of Life team.The water’s good for snorkelling now and there are lots of sea hares in the lagoons. Do let us know of any interesting finds that we can put on the website and Facebook page and do keep adding your sightings to the Atlas’ new recording platform - it’s easy and looks great.

We are fortunate that Michael McMaster has offered to lead a rock pool reccie at Lennards Island next Thursday January 12th at 2pm. For those of you who are interested in talking about what things we would like to do this year as a Marine Group, please join us at 12 noon at the main Eden road Tip, turnoff (for car Pooling, the track is only suitable for 4 wheel drive cars) and we will set off at 12:10 for Lennards with a 2pm start for the rock pool exploration.

Ascidian, Botrylloides magnicoecum, sighting Liz Allen, photo Libby Hepburn

Red Bait crab, Plagusia chabrus

Lennards is our favourite rocky shore as it always turns up interesting and unusual things. Last year we found a soft coral so who know what we might find this year. This is a low tide, so we will be able to reach places that are usually inaccessible.

The track down is rough and the walk down to the beach steep, so please wear appropriate shoes and clothes /hats etc and bring sunscreen and insect repellant as usual. Please contact Libby with any queries. 02 6495 0917. There will be a map on the Atlas Facebook page. All good wishes, Libby