Panboola - return of the Eagle
The beautiful and impressive eagle sculpture at Panboola was stolen last year and we are hoping to raise sufficient funds to replace it.
Will you help return the Spirit of the Eagle to Panboola?
You can help us achieve this dream!
Simply go to choose your pledge and reward or just make a donation. Ever little bit counts and is greatly appreciated. Currently the
campaign has raised 20% of the required funds – with only 18 days to go, we need your help to reach our target of $6500
Return the eagle spirit to Panboola by Pambula Wetlands & Heritage Project Inc We need your help to return the guardian eagle spirit to Pambula Wetlands. POZIBLE.COM
Landcare NSW and Pozible have partnered to create the new crowdfunding category on the global crowdfunding site The recently launched Landcare & Environment Collection on the crowdfunding site Pozible has so far successfully raised $194,181 for independent, local and international Landcare and environmental projects.
Thanks for your support and please share this with your friends.
Mandi Stevenson PO Box 614 Merimbula NSW 2548 Ph: 6495 0422 Mob: 0427 583 055